Hood family and coalmining

A history of the descendants of David Hood from 1715 to the 1800's and information on Coal Mining in Mid and East Lothian, Scotland.



  • Places - maps and information on a few places mentioned in this website
  • Statistical Accounts - maily the parts relating to coalmining, but some complete accounts too.
  • Glossary - coalmining, legal and other scots terms
  • Miscellaneous - Edinburgh Parish Map
  • Links - useful links

Hood Family

Descendancy Chart - Generations 1-4 (18th century)   Generations 5-7 (19th century)
Index of people - Hood  |  Other names
Index of marriages - Hood  |  Other names

Other Families
Juner (Juners, Junner, Junners)


Purpose of the Website

It's pupose is not only to record the history of the Hood family, but also to provide information on coalmining, mostly centred on Midlothian, that may be of interest to others. I hope you find it useful.

Contact Me

If you would like to contact me, please email me at:
Albert Russell

© 2012   A Russell